Green Roof Mixes are created using carefully selected light-weight materials that work together to establish a suitable growing environment for plants, as well as meeting engineering standards for roof top planting. Green Roof Mix Hydro-Boost is designed for high-traffic, high-visibility green roofs found on commercial developments and in public spaces. It features an ultra-lightweight composition and superior drainage qualities. This mix provides an optimal nutrient support, making it the best choice in our range. The increased application rate and longevity of controlled release fertiliser gives you extra confidence the plants will have the best chance of success when going into their new environment. Water Holding Crystals also improve water availability during dry months, supporting better water management.
This lightweight, free-draining mix is our supreme choice for Green Roof planting applications. It is our lightest mix, enhanced with added fertilisers for nutrition, coir for improved structure, and water-holding crystals for optimal moisture retention.
Green Roof Mix Hydro-Boost Technical Data Sheet