Green Roof Mixes are created using carefully selected light-weight materials that work together to establish a suitable growing environment for plants, as well as meeting engineering standards for roof top planting.
Green Roof Mix Bio provides a cost-effective option for lightweight, low-maintenance green roofs, ideal for residential and small commercial buildings. The main nutrient source in this mix is our BioGro Certified Organic Compost, making it our organic option for Green Roof Mixes.
For harsher environments requiring higher specification, the Green Roof Mix Boost or Hydro-Boost options may be more suitable, or talk with our team to create a mix that meets the desired specification for your project.
Green Roof Mix Bio is an affordable solution designed to nourish and support your plants. Ideal for plant species with low nutrient requirements, it serves as our organic nutrient choice.
Green Roof Mix Technical Data Sheet