Intelligro Compost provides organic matter naturally and boosts microbiological activity and carbon content to your soil. It also aids in moisture retention and improvement of soil structure for both crops and mixes. It is rich in essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Contains micronutrients to help stabilise soil pH levels, ensuring an optimal growing environment. We manufacture to a consistently high standard at our sealed surface facility, free from contamination, residual herbicides and synthetic additives. Regularly QA tested both in our own onsite laboratory, and externally at Hills Laboratories. Our compost is CSS Compost and Soil Conditioner approved
*Note there is no Green Waste in our compost
Sustainable, environmentally friendly and containing no green waste. Our Compost reduces reliance on synthetic fertilisers and herbicides, incorporating a blend of natural products that have been diverted from landfill.
Intelligro BioGro Certified Organic Compost Technical Data Sheet